Links and Resources
A brief list of reputable sites to visit for more information
Don’t get sucked into bad information, old wives tales, what worked for your neighbours friends mother, and the scary junk that often comes up with a web search. Get your information from reputable sites, such as these.
Encyclopedia of Life – absolutely amazing website, aiming to collate all knowledge about all life on Earth, includes information about the very few organisms that we deal with as pests.
Regulations governing pest management in Canada
- Federal agency responsible for registration of all pesticides in the country, and the rules governing their use.
- BC Provincial Ministry of Environment (formerly called Earth, Wind and Fire)
- International site– great photos and information
- The great online Fauna of BC website at UBC
Bed Bugs
- The US EPA site links all (literally all of them – read everything here first before doing your own google search) good research papers and general interest articles
All other insects and animals of BC
- E-Fauna BC -this is the home page for UBC’s online Atlas of BC Wildlife
- Or an easier to use more general interest insect site: Insect Identification